"Go into all the world. . ." Mark 16:15

Friday, June 10, 2011


It’s been about a week and a half since we returned from Peru.  I’ve been reflecting on my trip, and while it’s hard to put the feeling part into words, I will do my best to summarize the events that took place. . .

In short, we had amazing trip!!  It was everything I hoped it would be.  We worked as a team, everyone doing their part, and I believe we accomplished what we were sent out to do!  It reminds me of the verse in scripture, “For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.  Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them.”  (Rom. 12:4-6)

Trip Stats:
*It was a large group:  17 pre-med students (including two university supervisors) and 18 medical professionals and others!
*During the week our team attended over 800 patients at the clinics, gave out over 500 toothbrushes, pulled 109 teeth and handed out 582 Bibles
*486 confessed faith in the Lord or expressed a desire to know more
*Working in the kitchen at the Children’s Home, we made large quantities of chicken dumpling soup, apple crisp, potato soup, hummus, pesto, and homemade chocolate cake (for a birthday!)

During our closing banquet as each member of the team shared a memorable moment from the week, it was obvious that many hearts were changed among our teammates as well as on the “field.”  There were lasting friendships created, pain relieved, hope offered, and encouraging words shared.  The stories went beyond, “Yeah, that was a nice trip.” It was more like, “This trip has changed my life.  I will never forget. . .”  As for me, part of me really didn’t want to come home.  I’ve enjoyed having a break from laundry, dishes, and the stresses of running a household!  But seriously, I loved serving, making new friends, the thrill of adventure, and feeling fulfilled.  I will treasure these memories forever!

The Adventurous Trip Home:
It was a long, two-day trip home.  My parents and I had a layover in Lima, so we took a taxi and headed to Miraflores.  Security was heightened on every front because the country’s presidential debate was to be held that night.  It was interesting and a little unsettling to see police and military on every corner.  Streets were barricaded and vans were filled with military men carrying shields and weapons.  But local families still had their children out and about with them!  It felt surreal. 

When it came time to board the plane, they frisked everyone, then re-searched our bags!  The stewardesses were on high-alert and I saw fear in their eyes.  I didn’t sleep very well on the plane wondering what was up?!  Thankfully, we arrived safely, but only to experience MORE heightened security.  They must have checked our passports 4 more times before we even got our luggage.  I’ve never experienced anything like that, but ironically, it made me feel safer knowing they were taking extra pre-cautions. 

Our journey wasn’t without struggle and victory even up to the last minute.  My parents and I parted ways in Miami.  They flew onto Chicago, and I waited for my flight to Minneapolis.  My parents’ flight from Chicago to CWA was cancelled, so their final trip was delayed even more.  They were surprised to find themselves automatically booked for the next flight home while others had to stay overnight!  My flight was also delayed and at 4:45pm we were still sitting on the runway, having just landed in MSP.  My shuttle (that would take me home to my waiting children and husband!!) was leaving at 5pm!  I’m still not sure how it happened. . .but I de-boarded the plane, ran, got my two bags from the luggage carousel, ran some more, and MADE IT by 5:01pm!!!  Only a short hour and a half and I was reunited with my loving family!!  We made it J  And the kids said the time went by quickly. . .really?  Good to hear. . .I think that means I’ll be doing it again!

Thank you, for supporting me in pursuing this dream of missions.  Your financial donations, prayers, emails, and encouraging words made such a difference. . .not only in touching me, but in reaching the beautiful people (halfway around the hemisphere) in Peru!  The Lord supplied ALL my needs through your faithfulness and generosity!

My first mission trip may have ended, but the journey is just beginning!